Dark Storm Piano Demo Audio
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This is a zipped folder containing audio files only. There are 7 mono audio files, which are the raw files. 7 microphones recorded through 7 Dark Storm preamps and into Lynx Aurora converters as 96kHz, 32bit FP WAVE files. There is also the stereo mixdown done by LBA for the video.
The download is a zipped folder only containing audio files. The audio files are 96kHz, 32Bit FP WAVE files. There are 7 mono RAW audio files of a piano performance by Kevin Urso at LBA Studios. 7 Microphones were used to track the piano through 7 Dark Storm microphone preamplifiers recorded digitally through Lynx AD/DA converters & PCI cards at 96kHz, 32Bit FP. Also included is the stereo mixdown from the video, which was Engineered by Mike Congilosi II. In the stereo mix, the only processing done was equalization, volume, and panning adjustments. No dynamics processing was used, nor were any FX, such as reverb. The stereo mixdown was mixed on an AMEK Big 44 console, using the (LBA upgraded) console EQ's on each microphone source. Also in Mike's mix, an LBA Flux Bender stereo passive tube EQ was used on the XY pair of MC930 mics, and an Elysia X-filter Mastering EQ was used on a sub-mix of the decca tree-ish arrangement of three AKG C414 XLII microphones. These files are for demonstration purposes only and are the creative property of Lightning Boy Audio. Please do not sample our content without permission. Thank you.